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89. Facts for NEET PG

Sharps (needles, blades) are disposed in puncture proof white containers.According to Factory Act 1948, maximum number of working hours per week including overtime is 60 hours.Mission indradhanush was launched to ensure complete immunization of children.Screening of immigrants into a country is an example of prospective screening.Monetary benefit is measured in cost benefit analysis.


88. Facts for NEET PG

ATRA (All Trans Retinoic Acid) is used in the treatment of APML (Acute ProMyelocytic leukemia) which is associated with PML-RARA fusion gene.Reperfused myocardium shows eosinophilic contraction bands on light microscopy.Graft from I-dentical twin is called I-sograft.IL-4 stimulates B cells to differentiate into IgE secreting plasma cells.Premature aging in Werner syndrome is due to defective DNA helicase.


87. Facts for NEET PG

Huntington's disease is a trinucleotide repeat disorder (CAG repeat); Autosomal dominant.Achalasia cardia is characterised by decreased release of Nitric oxide and VIP in distal part of esophagus.Large friable irregular vegetations on heart valves are seen in infective endocarditis.Effacement of the podocyte foot processes is characteristically seen in minimal change disease Thrombosis is initiated by endothelial injury.


86. Facts for NEET PG

Rifampicin is an inhibitor of RNA synthesis.Theophylline causes diuresis by blockade of adenosine A1 receptors.Morphine causes constriction of sphincter of Oddi and hence avoided in biliary colic.Pegloticase (pegylated uricase) is used in treatment of chronic gout.Moxifloxacin is contraindicated in patients with hepatic failure since it is metabolised in the liver.


85. Facts for NEET PG

Ranolazine acts by inhibiting late sodium current in the heart.Bisphosphonates are used in the first line management of post menopausal osteoporosis.6-Mercpatopurine is an inhibitor of DNA synthesis.Erythromycin should NOT be prescribed with theophylline.Trihexyphenidyl is the DOC for drug induced Parkinsonism; it is a central anticholinergic.


84. Facts for NEET PG

Meiosis occurs in adult ovaryA tumor of the uncinate process of pancreas affects the superior mesenteric artery.Upward extension of thyroid swelling is prevented by attachment of sternothyroid to thyroid cartilage.The reason for longer left recurrent laryngeal nerve is due to persistence of 6th arch artery.Lateral pontine syndrome occurs due to involvement of anterior inferior cerebellar artery.


83. Facts for NEET PG

Non competitive inhibition has normal Km and decreased Vmax.Urine which turns black in color on exposure to air is suggestive of alkaptonuria (homogentisate oxidase deficiency).Vitamin B3 (niacin toxicity) can lead to macular edema and macular cysts.Nitric oxide is synthesised from L-arginine.Methods used for identification of facial nerve trunk are:  Tragal / Conley's pointerPosterior belly of digastricSqualotympanic fissureStyloid processMastoid processRetrograde dissection from distal branches (buccal branch, marginal mandibular branch)


82. Facts for NEET PG

The proteasome is a cylindrical structure in the cytsol that degrades polyubiquitinated proteins.Vitamin B12 is found maximum in animal products.IVC has the highest oxygen concentration in fetal circulation.Respiratory distress syndrome is due to deficiency of dipalmitoyl lecithin (dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline) - the majopr pulmonary surfactant.In patients with obstructive jaundice, van Der Bergh reaction gives direct positive result due to conjugated hyperbilirubinemia. 


81. Facts for NEET PG

Hormones using receptor tyrosine kinase signaling: Insulin, Growth hormone, Prolactin, Leptin, Growth factors (VEGF, PDGF, FGF, NGF).Site of lesion in Wernicke's hemianopic pupil is optic tract.Factor 2 decreases gamma carboxyglutamate residue in a patient on warfarin therapy.Respiratory distress syndrome is due to defective type 2 pneumocytes.In the enterogastric reflex, gastric emptying is delayed when acidic content enters the duodenum.


80. Facts for NEET PG

In areas of dead space, the VQ ratio is infinity.C wave in JVP represents tricuspid bulge into right atrium during isovolumetric ventricular contraction.Treatment of acute mountain sickness includes - oxygen, descent to lower altitude and acetazolamide.Prolactin level is maximum at time of delivery (and in immediate postpartum period).The protein in the glomerular basement membrane responsible for charge  dependant filtration is heparan sulfate.