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79. Facts for NEET PG

E.coli 0157:H7 can be differentiated from other E.coli species by Sorbitol McConkey agar.  Fimbriae help in bacterial adhesion.For Japanese Encephalitis, Humans are dead-end hosts; Herons are reservoir hosts and Pigs are amplifier hosts.Non-Gonococcal urethritis (NGU) is caused by - Chlamydia trachomatis, Ureaplasma urelyticum, Mycoplasma genitalium and Trichomonas vaginalis.Voriconazole is now considered the drug of choice, DOC for invasive aspergillosis .


78. Facts for NEET PG

Predominant infecting organism in 1-4 months post kidney transplant is CMV (cytomegalovitus). Sporotrichosis is caused by traumatic inoculation into skin.Organisms causing food poisoning with 1-6 hours incubation period: Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereusStreptococcus pyogenes produces streptococcla pyrogenic exotoxin which is a super-antigen.Zika virus is transmitted by bite of infected Aedes aegypticus and Aedes albopticus


77. Short Term memory

Short-term memory (STM), also referred to as short-term storage, or primary or active memory indicates different systems of memory involved in the retention of pieces of information (memory chunks) for a relatively short time (usually up to 30 seconds). 


76. OCRD in ICD-11

Obsessive Compulsive and Relate Disoprders (OCRD) ICD‐11 OCRD includes  Obsessive‐compulsive disorder, Body dysmorphic disorder,Olfactory reference disorder, Hypochondriasis (illness anxiety disorder) and Hoarding disorder. Body‐focused repetitive behaviour disorders that includes trichotillomania (hair‐pulling disorder) and excoriation (skin‐picking) disorder,  NOTE: Tourette syndrome, a disease of the nervous system in ICD‐11, is cross‐listed in the OCRD grouping because of its frequent co‐occurrence with obsessive‐compulsive disorder.

Strategy, Tips Etc...

The Final Countdown !

Hello guys Now that the target date is known - Sept 11th, it's time to re-start that final revision. (I don't think there will be any further delays etc...) This is probably the longest time anyone has got for "preparation" before the NEET PG exam; the exam which was supposed to happen in January 1st week got postponed to April 18th and finally is scheduled for Sept 11th - which effectively means you guys got almost 8 months extra time to "prepare". BUT unfortunately, this "extra time" does not always translate into effective preparation like we all know. It would have led to uncertainty, loss of interest and boredom, lack of concentration, time wastage etc...AND of course, these being COVID times - all the more stress.   I am sure many of your teachers/faculty etc...will come out with strategy videos etc....- I will just put forth a few general tips here 1. Believe in yourself - Although the postponement has affected your studies in recent times - You must also have studied quite a bit in these last 12+ months. That should gold you in a good place.  2. NO Panic: You are a fully qualified doctor to begin with - NO - you re NOT a student - so - your basic necessities will still be taken care of irrespective of the outcome of this exam. Breathe ! . 3. Final Revision: With the exam date being postponed twice  - the "Final assault" / "Final revision" in its TRUE sense wouldn't have happened till now  for most people - so you've still got time for that final revision.  4. Don't MOCK-out yourself  - GTs / Mock tests are always a good way to assess yourself and practice MCQs; don't stress yourself out on the basis of your GT performance or mock tests - learn the good points and go forward - You will NOT get your PG seat based on the GT/mock test ranking! If you guys have anything similarly positive/helpful tips - do comment below and help each other out Download the Daily Revision App here: the Best, Dr Ramgopal

Strategy, Tips Etc...

The SMALL things DO Matter !

The Small Things Do Matter !! ************The medico's life is always going to be 'busy'. Being busy starts from just after class 10 and through next 2 years getting into MBBS and then next 5.5 years of mBBS and then PG entrance prep time and then PG course time and then further Specialisation/super specialisation time and then starting the job/practice time and this just goes on and on until getting 'established' to a "reasonable extent" as per your satisfaction. BUT at this stage (beginning of middle age for moist medicos) - it's a paradoxical situation - although you feel you can afford to be 'less busy' , most of you will still be busy because once you are 'established' - you automatically become more busy with your work (Unless of course - you have the 'financial luxury' and the mindset to dictate your own 'limited timings' to patients and create more time for yourself).However, during all these years - I urge you to make time for yourself and your loved ones - you don't have to wait until you are "fully settled"; you don't have to wait for "that exotic vacation"; you don't have to wait for that immediate next "event" (exams, course completion, getting a PG seat etc..) - Just "live" the moments that life has to offer..........and as the wise old men say "Life is what happens to us while we are busy planning it"....!!!! All the BestDr Ramgopal


75. Galactomannan And Glucan

The Galactomannan assay is relatively specific for invasive aspergillosis, and, in the right clinical context, provides adequate evidence of invasive pulmonary disease. Most pathogenic fungi have 1–3 beta D glucan in their cell wall and this antigen assay is used for diagnosis of invasive fungal infections. EXCEPTIONS are: Cryptococcus, Zygomycetes (Mucor; Rhizopus) and Blastomyces 

Strategy, Tips Etc...

FMGE June 2021 Recall Questions

Hello PG aspirants I have compiled below - the  youtube links to the FMGE 2021 June recall questions videos by various teachers from various platforms. It's worth having a look at these - the questions/topics/images might get repeated in the upcoming INICET and NEET PG exams.  You MUST have a look at these whenever you find time - since anyway the closest exam (INICET) is still a month away All the Best Dr Ramgopal. Anatomy Recall: Dr Mohammed Azam: Pathology Recall: Dr Sushant Soni Forensic Recall: Dr Vishwajeet Singh Ophthal Recall: Dr Anuradha Dhawan PSM Recall: Dr Neha Taneja Surgery Recall: MIST academy doctor OBG Recall: Dr Amit Gupta Radiology Recall: Dr Khaleel Surgery Recall: Part 2 : Dr Vineet GuptaENT Recall: Dr Rajiv DhawanMicrobiology Recall: Dr Sonu panwarBiochemistry Recall: Dr Sayantan SahaOBG Recall: Dr Ramyasree DOWNLOAD the DAILY REVISION App at


74. Aducanumab for Alzheimer's

Indications: Aducanumab is an amyloid beta-directed antibody indicated for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.MOA:  Aducanumab is a human, immunoglobulin gamma 1 (IgG1) monoclonal antibody directed against aggregated soluble and insoluble forms of amyloid beta. The accumulation of amyloid beta plaques in the brain is a defining pathophysiological feature of Alzheimer’s disease. Aducanumab reduces amyloid beta plaques,Dosing:  After an initial titration, the recommended dosage of Aducanumab is 10 mg/kg; Aducanumab is administered as an intravenous (IV) infusion over approximately one hour every four weeks.Precaution: Amyloid-related imaging abnormalities (ARIA )are abnormal differences seen in neuroimaging of Alzheimer's Disease patients, associated with amyloid-modifying therapies, particularly human monoclonal antibodies such as aducanumab. There are two types of ARIA - ARIA-E (edema) and ARIA-H (hemorrhage).