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99. Facts for NEET PG

Tomato ketchup and cottage cheese retinopathy is seen in CMV retinitis. The greenish black color of the first stools of newborn is due to biliverdin.Polio antibodies in maternal  circulation provide variable/insignificant immunity in the neonate.According to current dietary guidelines for children, energy from saturated fats should be < 10% of total energy intake.Most likely diagnosis for a newborn with evisceration of bowel loops coming out due top defect in the  abdominal on the right side is gastroschisis.


98. Facts for NEET PG

ASEPSIS wound score and Southampton wound score are used to grade the severity of wound infections.Intermittent claudication is more commonly felt in the calf muscles due to involvement of superficial femoral artery in chronic vascular occlusive disease.A drop in the level of PTH to less than half the maximum value (corresponding to preoperative levels) ate 10 minutes post resection is the Miami critertia.Thoracoscore is used to assess the risk of post operative mortality in a patient undergoing thoracic surgery.For tumors less than or equal to 4 cm in size and limited to the kidney (T1a), partial nephrectomy is performed.


97. Facts for NEET Pg

Most of the retrosternal goitres can be removed by a neck (cervical) incision.DIEP flap is based on Deep Inferior Epigastric Artery.MC site of gastrinoma in MEN syndrome is the duodenum.The MC neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas is insulinoma.Hinchey classification is used for severity and complications of acute diverticulitis. Stage1: Mesenetric or peritcolic abscessStage 2: Pelvic abscessStage 3: Purulent peritonitisStage 4: Fecal peritonitis.


96. Facts for NEET PG

Focal oligemia also known as Westermark sign on chest X ray is seen in Pulmonary embolism.A mutation in the gene for aquaporin channel leads to nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.The temperature of the water bath for a patient of frostbite should be maintained between 40-44 deg C.The slowing of conduction in multiple sclerosis is due to loss of myelin.Fluent aphasia is seen in lesions of posterior p[art of superior temporal gyrus due to involvement of Wernicke's area.


95. Facts for NEET PG

Personal monitoring of radiation is done by TLD badge (Thermoluminiscent Dosimeter).USG appearance at saphenofemoral junction showing common femoral vein, common femoral artery and great saphenous vein is called as Mickey Mouse sign.Plethoric lung fields are seen in TAPVC.Thrombocytopenia, eczema and recurrent infections are seen in Wiskott Aldrich syndrome.Esophageal dysmotility is more common in limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis when compared to diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis.


94. Facts for NEET PG

Occipitomental view with open mouth is known as Water's view.Neostigmine is given post operatively to recover from muscle weakness.The feeling of insects crawling under the skin, also known as formication or cocaine bugs is a feature of cocaine abuse.Postpartum blues is common in mothers in the puerperal period and requires education and support.The maximum period of voluntary self admission under the mental health act 2017 is 30 days.


93. Facts for NEET PG

Pars inferior gives rise to saccule and cochlear duct.Meatoplasty is the surgery that is done to widen the cartilaginous part of the external auditory canal.Cough that occurs on scratching the external auditory canal is due to auricular branch of vagus (Arnold's nerve).Earache is NOT a feature of TB otitis media.Complete or partial closure of the nostrils (Young's/modified Young's operation) is done for atrophic rhinitis.


92. Facts for NEET PG

Extra row of eyelashes behind the grey line is called distichiasis.Satellite lesions are characteristic of fungal corneal ulcer.Hydration and transparency of the cornea is maintained by Endothelial cells.Prostaglandin analog drugs (Latanoprost etc) increase uveoscleral outflow and help in reducing IOP.Photostress test is used in diagnosing macular disease (recovery time is prolonged compared to optic nerve disease where it is normal)


91. Facts for NEET PG

Punishment for perjury (false evidence) is dealt under IPC 193.Heroin is the most common drug which can cause physical dependence.In case of civil negligence the onus of proof is on the patient.Arsenic can be found even in skeletonised remains of the bodyIn case of a young child, the hymen is deeply situated and hence intact after rape (intercourse)


90. Facts for NEET PG

Project MONICA is related to cardiovascular diseases (MONICA = Monitoring of trends and determinants in CArdiovascular diseases)Under ESI act, extended sickness benefit is payable for a period of 2 years for a set of 34 diseases like TB, leprosy etc...Management methods based on behavioral sciences are: Organisational design; Personnel management; Communication; Information systems; management by Objectives.Calculating one variable using another variable is done by coefficient of regression.The Best indicators for routine monitoring of air pollution are: sulfur dioxide, smoke and suspended particles.