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107. Facts for INICET

Clopidogrel is a prodrug activated in the liver by CYP2C19. Proton pump inhibitors may case inhibition of CYP2C19 and result in decrease of efficacy of clopidogrel.Linaglutide is a GLP-1 analog used as oral hypoglycemic drug and also used in long term management of obesity.Parvovirus B19 can cause aplastic crises in hereditary spherocytosis.Cytotoxic T cells are involved in delayed/type 4 hypersensitivity.Beta 1-3 D glucan, a common component of many pathogenic fungi is absent in Zygomycetes/Mucormycosis.


106. Facts for INICET

Off label uses of risperidone include: OCD, PTSD and for psychotic symptoms in delirium and dementia.Drug of choice fort gonorrhea is single dose IM ceftriaxone 500mg.Nivolumab is a checkpoint inhibitor that blocks the interaction between PD-1 and its ligands. Used in refractory lymphoma, melanoma, Non small cell lung cancer, renal cell Ca and head and neck cancers.Inhaled nitric oxide is used in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension.Topiramate is used in treatment of Lennox Gestaut syndrome.


105. Facts for INICET

The relaxation of the intestinal segment distal to the segment with the bolus of food during peristalsis is due to VIP (Vasocative Intestinal Polypeptide).Vibrio cholerae produces zonula occludens toxin which alters intestinal permeability resulting in rice water stools.The relationship between end diastolic volume and stroke volume is length tension relationship.Components involved in renal autoregulation include: Tubuloglomerular feedback, Mypgenic reflex and renin-angiotensin system.Formula for renal clearance of a substance (ex: urea)  clearance is C = (U X V)/P where U = urine concentration of the substance in mg/mL; V = urine flow rate in ml/min; P = plasma concentration of substance in mg/mL.  


104. Facts for INICET

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of non-coding RNAs that play important roles in regulating gene expression.In most cases, miRNAs interact with the 3′ untranslated region (3′ UTR) of target mRNAs to induce mRNA degradation and translational repression.HbA1c is best measured using ion exchange chromatography.During fasting, RBCs mainly use glucose.Infection through cribriform plate and olfactory bulb and trans synaptic transmission are some mechanisms explaining SARS CoV2 virus to reach the brain.Branches of posterior trunk of internal iliac artery are: Iliolumbar artery; lateral sacral artery and Superior gluteal artery.


103. Facts for INICET

Accumulation of MethylTetraHydroFolic Acid is seen in Vitamin B12 deficiency.RNAi (RNA interference) is a biologic process in which miRNA/siRNA molecules inhibit gene expression ("knockdown") by neutralizing the targeted mRNAs. Cytochrome oxidase is inhibited in H2S, cyanide and Carbon monoxide poisoning.RTPCR (Reverse transcription PCR) is a molecular analysis method used for detection of RNA.Insulin inhibits lipolytic hormones like hormone sensitive lipase.

Strategy, Tips Etc...

90-95% strike rate from popular Apps

Is it possible ? YES, Definitely - you have the screenshots as proof on the respective App pages. Realistically speaking - what gets covered in the videos and the QBanks and the Tests is - the ENTIRE MBBS syllabus - right ? So even a 100% strike rate is possible. And no doubt the faculty/teachers do a GREAT JOB at what they do, thus providing you with exhaustive quality material covering the entire syllabus. BUT it ultimately depends on YOU as to how YOU make use of all the above mentioned sources (Videos + QBanks + tests + Others) to enable you to get a good rank. I am sure all the Apps/Coachings will agree that they are lucky to have YOU guys enrolled with them and NOT the other way round. Download the Daily Revision App at All the Best, Dr Ramgopal

Strategy, Tips Etc...

Controversial Questions and How it impacts You !?

After every exam, like the recent NEET PG exam, there is always a "post exam autopsy" of recalled questions. The 'straight-forward  and shorter' MCQs get recalled easily BUT longer MCQs with more clinical details given usually get recalled in a patchy/incorrect/incomplete way. Due to this, the faculty/teachers  ultimately get a 'vague' idea of these MCQs and post the answers according to the 'assumed original MCQ'. After this there is again a lot of confusion with different faculty quoting different answers etc. And I also agree that the original exam MCQ in itself maybe flawed - YES ! AND As we all know, the authorities/NBE will ultimately score the answers as per their official answer key . There ends the matter. Don't waste time over-analysing these 'controversial' questions or blaming yourself or scolding coaching faculty for their answers !! However, for future exams (assuming many of you are going to be writing more exams in future), the information /topic of these controversial questions becomes important and that has to be studied and remembered. In case similar question comes from these topics, you will be well prepared. Assuming 10% of questions are conroversial (i.e, about 20 MCQs) - that leaves you with 180 MCQs - did you get these correct ??? Did you make silly mistakes - For examples Tocilizumab MCQ? Hemianopia MCQ ? Gaucher's disease MCQ ? Cocaine MCQ ? Bhilwanol MCQ ?  Atrophic rhinitis MCQ?? Similar simple MCQs ?  -  if you got these kind of MCQs wrong - You have to introspect and see what's going wrong with the basics in your prep ??? Every exam has 50% of routine/standard MCQs (even if some of the above examples were asked with a 2-3 line story). YOU MUST GET THESE CORRECT. Once you cross this 'first level' you have a chance at a good rank by getting the "more difficult" or "more knowledge application required" kind of remaining MCQs. So like I said earlier, controversial MCQs are controversial for everyone ! Get as many of the remaining ones correct and cross over to the other side. This PGMEE exam preparation as a "PG aspirant" is just a phase. This too shall pass definitely! - BUT with your correct and smart efforts. I am sorry if I sound a little harsh here - BUT sometimes you need to see these situations from a different person's point of view. Hope you understand. All the Best Dr. Ramgopal


102. COVID Bits

Coronavirus is an enveloped virus with helically symmetrical capsid with unsegmented ss (+) RNA genome.The recent pandemic is caused by SARS CoV-2 (Severe Acute respiratory Syndrome - Coronavirus-2) and the disease it causes is called Coronavirus Disease 2019 (abbreviated COVID-19).The receptor used by SARS CoV-2 to gain entry into cells is the ACE-2 (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-2) receptor.The infectious nature and host specificity of SARS CoV-2 is the spike protein.Modes of transmission of SARS CoV-2 are droplet transmission, fomite transmission and airborne droplet nuclei transmission.


101. Facts for NEET PG

Normal saline is the ideal agent for bipolar electrocautery as it conducts current.Acute fatty liver of pregnancy occurs most commonly in the third trimester or early post partum period.Estrogen and progesterone in the first two months of pregnancy is produced by corpus luteum.Total oxygen carrying capacity of blood increases during pregnancy.FRC decreases during pregnancy.


100. Facts for NEET PG

Fertilzation usually occurs in the ampulla of the Fallopian tube.The remnants of Wolfian ducts (Gartner's duct) in females are located in the broad ligament and vagina.MCA Doppler peak systolic velocity is use for monitoring the fetuses in Rh negative sensitised mother.The causative agent of granuloma inguinale (Donovaniosis) is Calymmatobacterium granulomatis.Development of pubic and axillary hair is NOT mediated by estrogen (it is by testosterone).