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Strategy, Tips Etc...

Introductory Price for DR Q Bank !

REGARDING INTRODUCTORY PRICE OF DR Q Bank ************************* Please Note that today (Sun, Jan 16th) is the last day for introductory price offer of the Q Bank at Rs. 300/- only. From tomorrow (Mon, Jan 17th) price increases to Rs.500/- only. Links to subscribe below (Android). iOS version coming soon.

NEET PG 2022 March 12th

Please find below the links for the official notice and official information bulletinCUT-OFF DATE FOR COMPLETION OF INTERNSHIP: 31st May 2022Notice: Information Bulletin:


113. Facts for NEET PG

The type of urinary incontinence in a patient with uterine prolapse and cystocele experiencing urination on coughing and sneezing is stress incontinence. Warfarin is contraindicated in first trimester of pregnancy due to warfarin embryopathy (ow birth weight, slower growth, mental retardation, deafness, small head size, and malformed bones, cartilage, and joints.).Treatment of septate uterus in an infertile woman wishing pregnancy in future is hysteroscopic spetoplasty.Sheehan syndrome (pituitary apoplexy) can present with lactational failure and postpartum amenorrhea; is a sequel of massive obstetric hemorrhage.Fetal heart sounds heard in the flanks (lateral side) and infraumbilical flattening suggests occipitoposterior position.

Strategy, Tips Etc...

DR Q Bank

Daily Revision (DR) Q bank ********* WHY another Q bank when you already have to deal with such vast Q banks that you are using, you might wonder ? Everyone uses the same Apps/Notes these days, but few go onto get their desired ranks of in NEET PG/INICET. Because even though you might start from day 1 and study a LOT- BUT this knowledge has to be retained, reinforced, recollected correctly - i.e., an effective REVISION has to happen. This will ensure that all your effort gets translated into a good rank in the exam. My aim with the Daily Revision Q Bank is to help PG aspirants in Daily Revision with a simple, easy to use, quick to use and affordable to use Q bank. It will be a valuable Add-On to whatever source of study you are already using Of course, let me clearly tell you that the my Q Bank is work in progress - I thought that since NEET PG 2022 is coming up - It's better to release it now for the benefit of all PG aspirants.  I have given the full details below. It is priced at Rs 300  for 3 months validity (yes, you heard that right! Rs.300 Only). Although this price may sound "CHEAP" - let me assure you that the content will still be top class making it worth every minute you spend solving the Q bank modules. DR Q Bank is available in the "Store" section of the "Courses" tab on the  Daily Revision App - App is available on Google Play Store and iOS App store. Features of Daily Revision Q Bank - Majority of  Clinical Type Questions and Newer pattern questions - helps to retain information better rather than when studied as plain "facts".  - Short crisp high yield explanations with keywords highlighted in bold/italics - Short modules of approximately 20 questions - thus helps you to fit in these module anytime in between your regular prep / during travel / during night duties / whenever you need a break from routine etc. - Initially solve module in Q bank format and later solve the same module in  Test format: Thus, 2 attempts available: - Bookmaking feature available - bookmarked questions can be grouped into folders also. -  Newer modules / newer types of modules added periodically - Notifications will help you to know whenever these modules are added.  - Snippets iof high yield information in "Posts" categorized subject-wise also available for free. - This app will soon become your "go-to" friend for  PG entrance preparation. - Last BUT not the least - very affordable - Rs 300 only for 3 months (90 days) validity from the date of purchase (NOTE: For those whose validity expires before NEET PG 2022 in case NEET PG 2022 gets postponed, validity will be extended till the new date of NEET PG 2022, ). Daily Revision Q Bank is an ideal companion (see more features below) to any mode of preparation you might be using for NEET PG / INICET/ FMGE exams (and upcoming NExT) . It will act as an ideal add-on Q-Bank for testing and applying  the  knowledge/information that you have gained through your notes / classes / popular Apps.  PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS WORK IN PROGRESS: At the time of launch of this Q Bank: the following subjects are available: (Medicine, Surgery, Pharmacology, Pathology, Microbiology, Dermatology, Anesthesiology). More subject modules will be added periodically and your 'notifications' will update you about the these additions.   All the Best Dr Ramgopal        

Strategy, Tips Etc...

Where do you draw the line ?

As I was climbing up the stairs at the stadium to get into the stands to watch the India Vs Australia match, I saw this young lady giving me a curious look. After staring at me for a while she approached me and said - "Sir, aren't you Ramgopal of Sure Success" - I admitted that I am the same person and she went on to thank me for the role that my book played in her preparation. It was post NEET PG 2018 results a few days back and I politely asked her what her rank was - She smiled wide and said it was around 16000 (16K). She and her mother who accompanied her were very happy that she was going to get a seat in her state and would "settle down with further PG studies". I congratulated her and we went on to watch the match (which ultimately India lost BTW).  I was amazed that while most people were unhappy and frustrated at similar ranks, this person was actually happy at her rank. I assumed she knew what she wanted to do further and would choose from the seats available at her rank and would get on with life. BUT this is not such an easy decision for many people.  Where do you draw the line ??? When do you say enough is enough ??? When do you say that I have given my best, maybe I should settle for my rank and choose from available branches ??? When do you say, that you will still be OK joining a job or practising as MBBS doctor or pursuing some connected/unconnected avenue or something similar ???  Where.......where do you draw the line ??? I'm afraid I cant answer this with any authority although I am asking the question. However, i will try to put my thought across as usual hoping that it might help a few of you in the right direction.With every passing year competition increases, scores go up higher and higher and the same score/better score from last year might give a lower rank this year !! There are many examples where people who gave up one branch/seat ended up taking the same branch/seat next year  after giving one more NEET PG exam !!The interest/enthusiasm/drive  to prepare tends to decrease over time with every passing year for many people. Thus the effective study might not happen.  The fascination with the dream branch may wear out for many during preparation thus enabling them to be more "open" to taking up other branches.Increasing age, family pressures, financial pressures, pressures to get married, pressures to start a family (in case of married people) and any other such similar "pressures"  also play a role in deciding further course of action. Although I have labeled these as "pressures" - it might not be a "pressure" - some people might find happiness after marriage; after a job; after a child is born; - it might help them further plan their professional journey based on this.In few instances MBBS doctors are more settled than super specialists and similar stories etc.... Ultimately , you have to decide "What's your happy ?". That may help you to plan your further course of action. Feel free to comment/rantDownload the Daily Revision App here: All the Best Dr Ramgopal


112. Facts for INICET

The normal length of the uterocervical canal is 6-7cm.TTTS (Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome) is a specific complication seen in monochorionic twins.Anti Mullerian hormone secreted by the granulosa cells is the best marker of ovarian reserve as it can be tested on day one of the cycle.In physiological jaundice, there is increased indirect bilirubin, increased urobilinogen and absent bilirubin in the urine.Osteoporosis is associated with normal serum calcium and normal alkaline phosphatase levels.


111. Facts for INICET

Quadrruple screening test (Quad test) is done in the second trimester (15-21 weeks); It includes - Maternal serum AFP; Unconjugated estriol (E3(; HCG and dimeric Inhibin A.The most common fixative used in Pap smear is 95% ethanol (ethyl alcohol).Kallman syndrome *hypothalamic hypogonadism) causes primary amenorrhea; Features are anosmia, hypogonadism, infertility and partial pubertal maturation. As per WHO criteria for semen analysis, > 4% normal forms of sperm morphology must be present.Anti Mullerian Hormone secreted by granulosa cells is the best marker of ovarian reserve since it can be tested on any day of the cycle.


110. Facts for INICET

Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common tumor of the lacrimal gland.Barberio's test detects the presence of spermine present in prostatic secretions and this helps in the identification of seminal fluid.Direct extension to the optic nerve and brain is the most common route of spread of retinoblastoma.SAFE strategy for trachoma includes: S= Surgery; A = Antibiotics; F = Facial hygeine; E = Environmental cleanlinessHomonymous hemianopia with macular sparing occurs in contralateral occipital lobe lesions.


109. Facts for INICET

The most common mode of absorption of inorganic lead in industries due to lead poisoning is inhaled lead dust.Pentavalent vaccine includes Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, HBV and HiB (Hemophilus influenzae B).Rotavirus vaccine is associated with potential risk of intusssusception.All non infectious general wastes are collected in black bin.Flow cytometry results are typically represented by two dimensional dot plots or one dimensional histogram.


108. Facts for INICET

The cell of origin of CLL is naive B cell.HPV inactivates RB gene by its E7 protein.Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is used in the treatment of sideroblastic anemia.Transfusion of irradiated RBCs prevents GVHD (Graft Versus Host Disease).Endomyocardial biopsy is the gold standard investigation of myocarditis.