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26. Complications of DM

Macro-angiopathy (Large Vessel Disease): Atherosclerosis, IHD, Lower extremity ischemiaMicro-angiopathy (small vessel disease): Retinopathy; Nephropathy; Neuropathy.


24. Kawasaki Disease

It affects children under the age of 6 years old with severe disease often associated with children under 1 year old. Diagnostic criteria:. 5-day fever PLUS four of the following… ➔ Bilateral conjunctivitis ➔ Cervical lymph node >1.5cm ➔ Polymorphous exanthem ➔ Cracked lips/strawberry tongue ➔ Erythema/oedema/peeling of the hands/feet Other features include BCG scar inflammation, raised CRP, thrombocytosis and irritability without CNS infection. Beware:. diagnosis can be made before Day 5 of fever if clinical signs suggestive. Also if just 2-3 criteria present, consider incomplete Kawasaki. Complications include:. ● Coronary aneurysms (causing thrombosis, MI and tamponade) ● Myocarditis ● Bleeding (due to aspirin)  Consider echo EARLY in diagnosis Treatment is with high-dose aspirin, IV immunoglobulin & Proton Pump Inhibitors. 


22. Anti-VEGFs in Ophthalmology

Indications for anti- VEGFs Wet ARMD (choroidal neovascular membrane, CNVM) Diabetic retinopathy (for macular edema) Retinal Venous occlusive disease (for macular edema)  Examples of anti-VEGFs are: Pegaptanib sodium; Bevacizumab, Ranibizumab, Aflibercept


20. Maximum Permissible Radiation Exposure

Part of the bodyOccupational Exposure in Radiation workersGeneral Public ExposureWhole body(Effective dose)Cumulative: 20 mSv/year averaged over 5 consecutive years;###em 30 mSv in any single year1 mSv/yrLens of eyes(Equivalent dose)150 mSv/yr (15 rem)15 mSv/yr (15 rem)Skin and Extremities (i.e, Hands and Feet)(Equivalent dose)500 mSv/yr (50 rem)50 mSv/yr (5 rem) During pregnancy, MPD is 5 mSv (0.5 rem) and should not excees 0.5 mSv (0.5 rem) in any single monthFor pregnant radiation workers, after declaration of pregnancy 1 mSv (0.1 rem)  on the embryo/fetus should not be exceededALARA: As Low As Reasonably Achievable Source:


17. New (2020) GIST drugs

RIPRETENIB Ripretenib is a kinase inhibitor indicated for the treatment of adult patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) who have received prior treatment with 3 or more kinase inhibitors, including imatinib.Caution/Adverse effects: palmo-plantar erythrodysesthesia; impaired wound healing; cardiac dysfunction, HTN; New skin malignancy, teratogenic AVAPRITINIB Avapritinib is a kinase inhibitor indicated for the treatment of adults with unresectable or metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) harboring a platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha (PDGFRA) exon 18 mutation, including PDGFRA D842V mutationsCaution/Adverse effects: Intracranial hemorrhage; CNS effects (confusion, mood disturbance, sleep problems, hallucinations etc); teratogenic


16. Plasmodium knowlesi

Primarily a zoonosis—natural host is the primate Macaque monkey. Endemic in South east Asia (Malaysia, Borneo, Philippines, Myanmar); but is ABSENT in Africa. Transmitted by bite of Anopheles mosquito. Affects adults mainly. Asexual cycle of parasite in humans is 24 hours—hence called “quotidian” malaria. Malaria is non-relapsing. Treatment: Chloroquine and Primaquine.