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36. Anti-anginal drugs

Nitrates: reduce preload. Dilate Veins > arteries.Calcium Channel Blockers: Block L-type Ca++ ChannelsBeta clockers: Reduce heart rate, contractility and oxygen demandOthers: Ivadrabine: Inhibits funny current is SA nodeRanolazine: Late Na++ channel blockerNicorandil: K+-ATP channel agonistTrimetazidine: pFOX inhibitorFasudil: Rho kinase inhibitor


35. Chargaff's Rule

Chargaff's rule states that DNA from any species of any organism should have a 1:1 stoichiometric ratio (base pair rule) of purine and pyrimidine bases (i.e., A+G=T+C) and, more specifically, that the amount of guanine should be equal to cytosine and the amount of adenine should be equal to thymine. This pattern is found in both strands of the DNA. Calculation: Since you know there are only four bases in DNA, all four bases together must equal 100 percent of the sample. If given the information that the sample is 20 percent guanine, you can surmise it is also 20 percent cytosine since guanine and cytosine pair with each other. Together, that is 40 percent of the total sample. You can subtract that 40 percent from 100 percent and determine 60 percent of the sample must be adenine and thymine together. Since those two bases always exist in equal concentrations, you know the DNA sample is 30 percent adenine:


34. Gastrointestinal Reflexes

1. Enterogastric Reflex Enterogastric reflex is stimulated by the presence of acid levels in the duodenum at a pH of 3–4. When this reflex is stimulated, the release of gastrin from G- cells in the antrum of the stomach is shut off. In turn, this inhibits gastric motility and the secretion of gastric acid (HCl). 2. Gastrocolic Reflex Gastrocolic reflex is the physiological reflex that controls the motility, or peristalsis, of the gastrointestinal tract. It involves an increase in motility of the colon in response to stretch in the stomach. Thus, this reflex is responsible for the urge to defecate following a meal. The small intestine also shows a similar motility response. The gastrocolic reflex also helps make room for food in the stomach. 3. Gastroileal Reflex It works with the gastrocolic reflex to stimulate the urge to defecate. This urge is stimulated by the opening of the ileocecal valve and the movement of the digested contents from the ileum of the small intestine into the colon for compaction.


33. Adrenaline Doses

Dosage of Adrenaline In anaphylaxis: 1:1000 IM (0.5 ml IM)For nebulization: 1:1000In Cardiac arrest: 1: 10,000 (1:1000 is diluted and used IV)In Local anesthetics: 1: 50,000 to 1:1,00,000


32. Goitre grows inferiorly

The lateral surface of the thyroid is covered by the sternothyroid muscle, and its attachment to the oblique line of the thyroid cartilage prevents the superior pole from extending superiorly under the thyrohyoid muscle.Thus, the upward extension of a thyroid swelling (goitre) is prevented by the attachment of the sternothyroid to the thyroid cartilage. A goitre can therefore only grow to the front, back or middle but no higher.


31. Left RLN is longer 'coz

On the LEFT, the RLN has a LONGER course to the neck than the right side. This is because it hooks under the left sixth arch artery which persists in extra-uterine life as the ductus arteriosus, a fibrous remnant which later fprms the ligamentum arteriosum. ALSO NOTE that on the right side, the sixth arch artery disappears and the right RLN hooks under the right fourth arch artery which later becomes the right subclavian artery. 


30. Spirometry

Parameters that CANNOT be determined by spirometry are:  RV (Residual Volume),FRC (Functional Residual Capacity)  TLC (Total Lung Capacity). For these the other methods used are: Nitrogen washout method Helium dilution method Body plethysmography (best method).


27. Type 3C Diabetes

Type 3C DM occurs due to exocrine pancreatic defects like: Pancreatic cancerPancreatic trauma/PancreatectomyCystic fibrosisHemochromatosisChronic oancreatitisFibrocalculous pancreatopathy