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Congrats! to the 2 lucky winners

Great response for the first Free Test FT-1 with Amazon vouchers as prizes.The two lucky winners are ( your usernames on the Daily revision App are mentioned below)Bronkorobina_dThe Amazon e-vouchers (worth Rs.500) have been sent to you by email to the  email id which you have used to register on the Daily Revision App. (You should receive it before the end of the day today)Congratulations to the lucky winners and the NEXT free test (FT-2) with vouchers as prizes will be uploaded tonight. All the BestDr Ramgopal


52. A few 'Pseudos'

Pseudohyopyon: A collection of cells infiltrating the anterior chamber of the eye resembling an hypopyon but typically caused instead by cancer (secondaries, retinoblastomas), phacolytic glaucoma or endophthalmitis.Pseudodementia: An impairment in thinking accompanied by a withdrawal from social interactions that resembles dementia but instead is the result of depression, esp. in the elderly.Pseudothrombocytopenia: results from EDTA anticoagulant- induced platelet clumping; the phenomenon typically dis- appears when blood is collected in a tube containing citrate anticoagulant.


51. Project MONICA

MONICA =  “MONItoring trends and determinants in CArdiovascular disease,”The MONICA Project was undertaken by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a ten year international effort to measure the trends in cardiovascular mortality and coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease morbidity and to assess the extent to which these trends were related to changes in known risk factors, daily living habits, or major socioeconomic features. 

Reminder: Test Closes on 18th

Feel free to attempt the free mock mini test - 2 Amazon vouchers worth Rs.500 to be won by lucky draw. The test closes on 18th Feb.You can attempt the test by clicking here:  


50. Lithium Levels

Blood lithium levels required in acute mania is 0.8 - 1/2 mEq/L Blood lithium levels required in maintenance phase is 0.4 - 0.8 mEq/L.Toxic levels of lithium :  > 1.5 mEq/L; After starting lithium, serum lithium levels are checked after 5 days.Blood sample is withdrawn after 12 hours after last dose.


49. Abdominal Paracentesis

Colours of fluids from abdominal paracentesis Black or tea colored: pancreatic necrosis; malignant melanomaWhite: Lipid laden milky fluid, chylous ascitesBrown: bilirubin stained seen in biliary tract perforationBlood stained: hepatocellular ca, peritoneal carcinomatosis, acute pancreatitis, tuberculosis, traumatic tap


48. Non Tuberculous Mycobacteria

 M..avium subspecies paratuberculosis  is associated with Crohn's disease M.ulcerans is associated with Buruli ulcer M.chelonae associated with catheter related infection M.fortitum associated with injection site abscess


47.Contents of spermatic cord

3 Arteries: Testicular A; Cremasteric A and Artery of ductus deferens.2 Nerves: Genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve and sympathetic plexus around the artery to ductus deferens.3 Others: Ductus (vas) deferens; Pampiniform plexus of veins;  Lymph vessels from the testes.


46. Small Intestinal Biopsy Findings

Whipple’s disease: PAS positive ‘foamy’ macrophages in lamina propria. Agammaglobulinemia: NO plasma cells; either normal or absent villi (“flat mucosa”). Abetalipoproteinemia: Normal villi; epithelial cells vacuolated with fat postprandially. Celiac disease: Short or absent villi; mononuclear (lymphocytic) infiltrate - lymphocytic duodenosis, CD8+ T cells; epithelial cell damage; hypertrophy of crypts, normal mucosal thickness.