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Published on Jun 27, 2021
Strategy, Tips Etc...
The SMALL things DO Matter !
The SMALL things DO Matter !

The Small Things Do Matter !!

The medico's life is always going to be 'busy'.

Being busy starts from just after class 10 and through next 2 years getting into MBBS and then next 5.5 years of mBBS and then PG entrance prep time and then PG course time and then further Specialisation/super specialisation time and then starting the job/practice time and this just goes on and on until getting 'established' to a "reasonable extent" as per your satisfaction. BUT at this stage (beginning of middle age for moist medicos) - it's a paradoxical situation - although you feel you can afford to be 'less busy' , most of you will still be busy because once you are 'established' - you automatically become more busy with your work (Unless of course - you have the 'financial luxury' and the mindset to dictate your own 'limited timings' to patients and create more time for yourself).
However, during all these years - I urge you to make time for yourself and your loved ones - you don't have to wait until you are "fully settled"; you don't have to wait for "that exotic vacation"; you don't have to wait for that immediate next "event" (exams, course completion, getting a PG seat etc..) - Just "live" the moments that life has to offer..........and as the wise old men say "Life is what happens to us while we are busy planning it"....!!!!

All the Best
Dr Ramgopal