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Published on Apr 15, 2021
Ophthalmology High Yield Images
Ophthalmology High Yield Images

Ophthalmology Images for PG Medical Entrance

CRAO with Cherry Red Spot and pale retina
CRVO - Retinal hemorrhages all over with blood and thunder appearance
Central Serous Retinopathy - Blister of fluid at the macula - causes micropsia Macular hole, differentiated from CRAO by absence of retinal pallor.
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Best's Disease: Egg Yolk like appearance at the macula

Headlight in the fog appearance in Toxoplasmosis

Snow banking/Snowbank exudates in Pars Planitis

Fundus photographs of the patient before (A) and after (B) dark adaptation. The fundus appearance was characteristic of Oguchi disease with grayish-yellow discoloration that had normal appearance after 2–3 h of dark adaptation.- MIZUO phenomenon

CMV Retinitis - Pizza Pie or Cottage Cheese and Tomato Ketchup retinopathy

Corneal Endothelium seen by Specular Microscopy 

Cobblestone papillae in Vernal Conjunctivitis (spring catarrh)

Horner Trantas Spots in vernal conunctivitis (spring catarrh)

Amsler grid for monitoring macular pathology (ARMD, drusen etc)


Cornea verticillata - Vortex keratopathy

Band Keratopathy

Bitot's spots



Hordeolum externum - stye - at base of hair follicle

Incision and Curettage of a chalazion with chalazion clamp also seen

Sebaceous gland carcinoma - maybe mistaken as recurrent chalazion

Acute dacryocystitis - treat with antibiotics; definitive treatment is DCR once the infections settles down.

Congenital dacryocystitis

Bowman's lacrimal probe and Nettleship punctum dilator

Dacryoadenitis - S shaped ptosis

Right orbital floor fracture - Tear drop sign - orbital contents prolapsing into maxillary sinus

  Signs of orbital blow out fracture

Lagophthalmos of left eye with exposure keratopathy of left inferior cornea

Corneal abrasion stained by fluorescein and viewed with cobalt blue light - epithelial defects stains underlying stroma with fluorescein

Corneal dendritic ulcer - HSV keratitis