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Published on Jul 22, 2021
76. OCRD in ICD-11
76. OCRD in ICD-11

Obsessive Compulsive and Relate Disoprders (OCRD)

ICD‐11 OCRD includes 

  1. Obsessive‐compulsive disorder, 
  2. Body dysmorphic disorder,
  3. Olfactory reference disorder, 
  4. Hypochondriasis (illness anxiety disorder) and 
  5. Hoarding disorder. 
  6. Body‐focused repetitive behaviour disorders that includes trichotillomania (hair‐pulling disorder) and excoriation (skin‐picking) disorder, 

NOTE: Tourette syndrome, a disease of the nervous system in ICD‐11, is cross‐listed in the OCRD grouping because of its frequent co‐occurrence with obsessive‐compulsive disorder.