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Published on Aug 15, 2021
97. Facts for NEET Pg
97. Facts for NEET Pg
  1. Most of the retrosternal goitres can be removed by a neck (cervical) incision.
  2. DIEP flap is based on Deep Inferior Epigastric Artery.
  3. MC site of gastrinoma in MEN syndrome is the duodenum.
  4. The MC neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas is insulinoma.
  5. Hinchey classification is used for severity and complications of acute diverticulitis.
  • Stage1: Mesenetric or peritcolic abscess
  • Stage 2: Pelvic abscess
  • Stage 3: Purulent peritonitis
  • Stage 4: Fecal peritonitis.