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Published on Feb 2, 2021
9. Tattoo Marks in Dead Bodies
9. Tattoo Marks in Dead Bodies

Dyes commonly used in tattooing are: 

  • Black color: India Ink (MC used); China Ink, Soot 
  • Blue: Prussian blue (ferric ferrocyanide); Cobalt, Indigo, Ultramarine 
  • Green: Chromic oxide 
  • Red: Cinnabar, vermillion 
  • Brown: Ochre 

Methods to make tattoo readily visible are: 

  • Infrared photography 
  • Ultraviolet light 
  • Rubbing the part and examining under magnifying glass 
  • Treating with hydrogen peroxide and 0.5% caustic potash 
  • Histological examination of regional lymph nodes may show tattoo pigment deposition.