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Published on Feb 7, 2021
37. Basal Skull Fracture
37. Basal Skull Fracture

Most basilar/basal skull fractures are caused by high-velocity blunt trauma such as motor vehicle collisions, motorcycle crashes, and pedestrian injuries. 

Structures involved: petrous temporaL bone (MC), the external auditory canal, and tympanic membrane.

Signs of basal skull fracture

  • Hemotympanum (blood pooling behind tympanic membrane making it appear purple - earliest finding)
  • Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) otorrhea or rhinorrhea (“Halo” sign is the double ring pattern described when bloody fluid from the ear or nose containing CSF is dripped onto paper or linen)
  • Battle sign (retroauricular or mastoid ecchymosis
  • Raccoon/Panda eyes (periorbital ecchymosis).