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Published on Jan 14, 2022
113. Facts for NEET PG
  1. The type of urinary incontinence in a patient with uterine prolapse and cystocele experiencing urination on coughing and sneezing is stress incontinence
  2. Warfarin is contraindicated in first trimester of pregnancy due to warfarin embryopathy (ow birth weight, slower growth, mental retardation, deafness, small head size, and malformed bones, cartilage, and joints.).
  3. Treatment of septate uterus in an infertile woman wishing pregnancy in future is hysteroscopic spetoplasty.
  4. Sheehan syndrome (pituitary apoplexy) can present with lactational failure and postpartum amenorrhea; is a sequel of massive obstetric hemorrhage.
  5. Fetal heart sounds heard in the flanks (lateral side) and infraumbilical flattening suggests occipitoposterior position.