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Published on Sep 27, 2021
111. Facts for INICET
111. Facts for INICET
  1. Quadrruple screening test (Quad test) is done in the second trimester (15-21 weeks); It includes - Maternal serum AFP; Unconjugated estriol (E3(; HCG and dimeric Inhibin A.
  2. The most common fixative used in Pap smear is 95% ethanol (ethyl alcohol).
  3. Kallman syndrome *hypothalamic hypogonadism) causes primary amenorrhea; Features are anosmia, hypogonadism, infertility and partial pubertal maturation. 
  4. As per WHO criteria for semen analysis, > 4% normal forms of sperm morphology must be present.
  5. Anti Mullerian Hormone secreted by granulosa cells is the best marker of ovarian reserve since it can be tested on any day of the cycle.