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Published on Sep 20, 2021
105. Facts for INICET
  1. The relaxation of the intestinal segment distal to the segment with the bolus of food during peristalsis is due to VIP (Vasocative Intestinal Polypeptide).
  2. Vibrio cholerae produces zonula occludens toxin which alters intestinal permeability resulting in rice water stools.
  3. The relationship between end diastolic volume and stroke volume is length tension relationship.
  4. Components involved in renal autoregulation include: Tubuloglomerular feedback, Mypgenic reflex and renin-angiotensin system.
  5. Formula for renal clearance of a substance (ex: urea)  clearance is C = (U X V)/P where U = urine concentration of the substance in mg/mL; V = urine flow rate in ml/min; P = plasma concentration of substance in mg/mL.